Monday 22 May 2023

Form 29 Download pdf Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle

Form 29: Notice of Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle

Form 29 parivahan gov in is a document that is used to notify the registering authority of the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle. The 29 no form rto form must be completed by the seller and the buyer of the vehicle.rto 29 no form can download essay to this article.

Download Form 29 pdf

Form 29 Download



To, The Registering Authority, [Name of the Registering Authority], [Address of the Registering Authority].

I, [Name of the Seller], of [Address of the Seller], do hereby declare that I have sold the following motor vehicle to [Name of the Buyer]:

  • Registration Number: [Registration Number of the Vehicle]
  • Chassis Number: [Chassis Number of the Vehicle]
  • Engine Number: [Engine Number of the Vehicle]

The sale was effected on [Date of Sale] for a sum of [Purchase Price of the Vehicle].

I hereby request you to transfer the ownership of the said motor vehicle in the name of [Name of the Buyer].

Yours faithfully, [Signature of the Seller] [Date]

Witness: [Signature of the Witness] [Date]

[Name of the Buyer] [Address of the Buyer]

I, [Name of the Buyer], of [Address of the Buyer], do hereby declare that I have purchased the motor vehicle from [Name of the Seller] as per the above particulars.

Yours faithfully, [Signature of the Buyer] [Date]

Witness: [Signature of the Witness] [Date]

[Official Endorsement]

[Stamp of Registering Authority] [Signature of Registering Authority]

The seller must provide the following information on Form 29:

  • Their name and address
  • The registration number of the vehicle
  • The chassis number and engine number of the vehicle
  • The date of sale of the vehicle
  • The purchase price of the vehicle

The buyer must provide the following information on Form 29:

  • Their name and address
  • The registration number of the vehicle
  • The chassis number and engine number of the vehicle
  • The date of purchase of the vehicle
  • The purchase price of the vehicle

Once Form 29 is completed, it must be submitted to the registering authority in the jurisdiction where the vehicle is registered. The registering authority will then update the vehicle's registration records to reflect the change in ownership.

It is important to note that Form 29 must be submitted within 14 days of the date of sale of the vehicle. If Form 29 is not submitted within 14 days, the seller may be liable for a penalty.

Here are some tips for completing Form 29:

  • Make sure that you have all of the required information before you begin completing the form.
  • Be sure to read the instructions carefully before you start filling out the form.
  • Double-check your work before you submit the form.

If you have any questions about Form 29, you can contact the registering authority in your jurisdiction.

Benefits of Filing Form 29

There are several benefits to filing Form 29 when you sell your motor vehicle. These benefits include:

  • It helps to ensure that the vehicle's registration records are accurate and up-to-date.
  • It helps to protect you from liability for any accidents that occur after the vehicle is sold.
  • It may help you to avoid paying any penalties for late registration.

If you are selling your motor vehicle, it is important to file Form 29 to ensure that the transfer of ownership is properly documented.

Where to Get /RTO Form 29

Form 29 can be obtained from the registering authority in the jurisdiction where the vehicle is registered. The registering authority may be a state motor vehicle department, a local traffic authority, or a private motor vehicle registration agency. form 29 Download official Website

How to Complete RTO Form 29

Form 29 is a two-page form. The first page is for the seller to complete and the second page is for the buyer to complete.

On the first page, the seller must provide the following information:

  • Their name and address
  • The registration number of the vehicle
  • The chassis number and engine number of the vehicle
  • The date of sale of the vehicle
  • The purchase price of the vehicle

On the second page, the buyer must provide the following information:

  • Their name and address
  • The registration number of the vehicle
  • The chassis number and engine number of the vehicle
  • The date of purchase of the vehicle
  • The purchase price of the vehicle

Once Form 29 is completed, both the seller and the buyer must sign the form.

Where to Submit Form 29

Once Form 29 is completed, it must be submitted to the registering authority in the jurisdiction where the vehicle is registered. The registering authority may be a state motor vehicle department, a local traffic authority, or a private motor vehicle registration agency.

What Happens After Form 29 is Submitted

Once Form 29 is submitted, the registering authority will update the vehicle's registration records to reflect the change in ownership. The registering authority may also issue a new registration certificate to the buyer.

It is important to note that the registering authority may require additional documentation, such as a bill of sale or a proof of insurance, before they will update the vehicle's registration records.

Penalties for Not Filing Form 29

If Form 29 is not filed within 14 days of the date of sale of the vehicle, the seller may be liable for a penalty. The amount of the penalty may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

It is important to note that the seller may also be liable for any fines or penalties that are incurred by the buyer if the vehicle is involved in an accident after the sale.

    Seller Information

  • Name: John Doe
  • Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345
  • Registration Number: ABC1234
  • Chassis Number: 1234567890
  • Engine Number: 9876543210
  • Date of Sale: 05/22/2023
  • Purchase Price: 10,000/-

Buyer Information

  • Name: Jane Doe
  • Address: 456 Elm Street, Anytown, CA 12345
  • Registration Number: DEF5678
  • Chassis Number: 9876543210
  • Engine Number: 1234567890
  • Date of Purchase: 05/22/2023
  • Purchase Price: $10,000


  • Seller Signature: John Doe
  • Date: 05/22/2023
  • Buyer Signature: Jane Doe
  • Date: 05/22/2023

Official Endorsement

  • Stamp of Registering Authority
  • Signature of Registering Authority
  • Date: 05/22/2023


  • This is just an example of how to fill out Form 29. The actual form may vary depending on the jurisdiction.
  • It is important to read the instructions carefully before you fill out the form.
  • Make sure that you sign the form in the appropriate places.
  • Submit the form to the registering authority in the jurisdiction where the vehicle is registered.


Form 29 is an important document that must be filed when you sell your motor vehicle. Filing Form 29 helps to ensure that the vehicle's registration records are accurate and up-to-date, and it helps to protect you from liability for any accidents that occur after the vehicle is sold.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

7.1. Can I fill Form 29 online?

Yes, many transport authorities provide an online platform for filling and submitting Form 29. Check the official website of your local transport authority for specific instructions and guidelines regarding online submission. 7.2. What if I make a mistake while filling the form? If you make a mistake while filling Form 29, it's important to correct it before submitting the form. Cross out the incorrect information, provide the correct details, and ensure that both parties involved in the transfer sign or initial the changes. 7.3. How long does it take to process Form 29? The processing time for Form 29 varies depending on the transport authority and other factors. In general, it may take a few weeks to complete the transfer of ownership process. It's advisable to check with your local transport authority for a more accurate estimate. 7.4. Can I transfer ownership without Form 29? No, Form 29 is a mandatory document for transferring ownership of a vehicle. Without filling and submitting this form, the transfer of ownership will not be considered legally valid. 7.5. Is there a fee for submitting Form 29? Yes, there may be a nominal fee associated with submitting Form 29. The fee amount can vary depending on the region and the type of vehicle being transferred. Check with your local transport authority for the exact fee structure.
